A Survey Based on Region Based Segmentation

  IJETT-book-cover  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT)          
© 2014 by IJETT Journal
Volume-7 Number-3                          
Year of Publication : 2014
Authors : S.Karthick , Dr.K.Sathiyasekar , A.Puraneeswari


S.Karthick , Dr.K.Sathiyasekar , A.Puraneeswari, Article:A Survey Based on Region Based Segmentation, International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology(IJETT), 7(3),143-147, published by seventh sense research group


Image segmentation is one of the most significant steps leading to the study the processed image data. This paper delivers a survey of achievements, complications being encountered, and the open issues in the investigation area of image segmentation and habit of the techniques in different areas. In this paper we have discussed about the image segmentation techniques like Edge based, Region based and Threshold-based. Region Growing is a method to image segmentation in which neighboring pixels are scanned and added to a region session if no edges are detected. This process is repeated for each boundary pixel in the region. if adjacent regions are establish, a region-merging algorithm is used in which weak edges are dissolved and strong edges are gone together. The algorithm is also very constant with respect to noise.


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Image segmentation, Region growing algorithm.