Adaptive Join Operators for Result Rate Optimization on Streaming Inputs

  IJETT-book-cover  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT)          
© 2011 by IJETT Journal
Volume-1 Issue-1                          
Year of Publication : 2011
Authors :Mrs. M. Mary Rexcy Asha,Miss R.Ishwariya, Ms. M. Geetha


Mrs. M. Mary Rexcy Asha,Miss R.Ishwariya, Ms. M. Geetha. "Adaptive Join Operators for Result Rate Optimization on Streaming Inputs". International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT),V1(1):73-77 May to June 2011. ISSN:2231-5381. Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.


Adaptive join algorithms have recently attracted a lot of attention in emerging applications where data are provided by autonomous data sources through heterogeneous network environments. Their main advantage over traditional join techniques is that they can start producing join results as soon as the first input tuples are available, thus, improving pipelining by smoothing join result production and by masking source or network delays. In this paper, The first propose Double Index NEsted - loops Reactive join (DINER), a new adaptive two - way join algorithm for result rate maximization. DINER combines two key elements: an intuitive flushing policy that aims to increase the productivity of in - memory tuples in producing results during the online phase of the join, and a novel reentrant join technique that allows the algorithm to rapidly switch between processing in - memory and disk - resident tuples, thus, better exploiting temporary delays when new data are not available. Then extend the applicability of the proposed technique for a more challenging setup: handling more than two inputs. Multiple Index NEsted - loop Reactive join (MINER) is a multiway join operator that inherits its principles from DINER.


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