Bluetooth Based Weather Station

  IJETT-book-cover  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT)          
© 2015 by IJETT Journal
Volume-28 Number-2
Year of Publication : 2015
Authors : Akhilesh Chawla, Tejas Bangera,Chinmay Kolwalkar, Mahalaxmi Bhat
DOI :  10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V28P219


Akhilesh Chawla, Tejas Bangera,Chinmay Kolwalkar, Mahalaxmi Bhat"Bluetooth Based Weather Station", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V28(2),98-101 October 2015. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group

The weather has always been a universal concern , and the contemporary changes in the climate is becoming an issue, in particular, has made us realize the importance of having precise, robust and trustworthy sensors that are capable of predicting change of weather conditions over a specific period of time. Nowadays, the requirement for portable weather surveillance instruments which can be trusted on for real-time alerting and reporting on the changing environmental conditions becomes increasingly necessary.To meet these requirements, we have designed an efficient, compact and cost effective weather station that gives us valuable information about temperature and humidity using highly reliable sensor DHT11 sensor and HC-05 Bluetooth module.The DHT11 sensor serves the purpose of high accuracy in terms of measuring temperature and humidity whereas the HC-05 Bluetooth module enables high data rate, better range and portability.


[1] Marco Schwartz and Stefan Buttigieg, Arduino Android Blueprints.
[2] Marco Schwartz, Arduino Home Automation project.
[3] Nisha Gahlot, VarshaGundkal, SonaliKothimbire and Archana Tithe,”Zigbee based weather monitoring system”.
[4] ArduinoWebsite.[Online].Available: en/Main/ArduinoBoardUno
[5] DHT11 sensor datasheet by AOSONG.[Online].Available at:
[6] HC-05 Bluetooth module.[Online].Available at : 0723009.pdf
[7] SENA BTERM.[Online].Available at:
[8] DHT11 sensor.[Online].Available at:

DHT11 sensor, HC-05 Bluetooth module, SENA BTERM, Arduino Uno, weather station, temperature, humidity.