ijett-book-cover  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT)          
© 2012 by IJETT Journal
Volume-3 Issue-3                          
Year of Publication : 2012
Authors :  Dr.S.S Dinakaran , A.Ruby


Dr.S.S Dinakaran , A.Ruby. "A NEW APPROACH TO IDENTIFY THE STEGNO IMAGE USING EIGEN VALUE AND EIGEN VECTOR METHOD". International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT). V3(3):346-352 May-Jun 2012. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group


In this paper we propose a new BMP based Steganography image identification using Eigen values and Eigen Vectors Technique. This is new approach and this method is different from normal and Steganogr aphy image comparison, the steganography technique is normally based on BMP images by hiding information in other information. Many different carrier file formats can be used, but digital images are the most popular because of their frequency on the Intern et. For hiding secret information in images, there exists a large variety of steganographic techniques some are more complex than others and all of them have respective strong and weak points. Different applications have different requirements of the stega nography technique used. For example, some applications may require absolute invisibility of the secret information, while others require a larger secret message to be hidden. This paper intends to give an overview of steganography image identification usi ng Eigen values and Eigen Vectors Technique. It also attempts to identify the requirements of a good steganographic algorithm and briefly reflects on which steganographic techniques are more suitable for which applications.


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Eigen values, Eigen Vectors and BMP based steganography technique