A Review on Smart Bulb & Proposed a Real Time Vision Based Smart Bulb using Image Processing

  IJETT-book-cover  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT)          
© 2017 by IJETT Journal
Volume-44 Number-4
Year of Publication : 2017
Authors : Dashrath Mahto, Sreeja Nair
DOI :  10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V44P239


Dashrath Mahto, Sreeja Nair "A Review on Smart Bulb & Proposed a Real Time Vision Based Smart Bulb using Image Processing", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V44(4),195-201 February 2017. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group

In recent years, light bulb is getting smarter because of its smart behavior. It means that it can be controlled via smartphone through wireless connection and even you may control it when you are not at your home. Now a day’s market place has been occupied with the smart bulbs replacing CFLs and traditional LED. It is totally differ from the traditional bulb even much more expensive as compare to the traditional one. Smart bulb offers remote control feature along with schedule timer, it means that you have a smartphone as a remote and you can also set timer to turn off or on these bulbs. Even it can be control through GPS installed in your smartphone. It means that when you are bit far away from your home and you forget to turn off your bulbs then you can turn off it, your bulb is almost another smartphone that is why it is expensive as compare to the traditional bulb. Now it’s time to replace this smart bulb from new era with much smarter bulb which is going to be proposed i.e. Real Time Vision Based Smart Bulb Using Image Processing. It will work like a human vision, a bulb which does not require any manual control, it will be operated automatically. It means that it will automatically sense when it should be off and on. When no one is present in the room for 20 minutes, it will automatically off and when you come, it will automatically on. One more feature is very effective in it, is when you present in the room and there is no movement for one hour then it will automatically off, because it is practically demonstrated that no one can be totally stable for one hour when he is not sleeping or when he is conscious. He must have any kind of movement if he is conscious. He must be slept if he is not responding for one hour. It will consider that you are sleeping and bulb should be turned off. Even you may turn off or on this feature as per your desire. Definitely it will save your electricity when you are not in your home or even you are at home. It is intelligent enough to control the system by itself. And no smartphone or any remote control device is required. It will be the most intelligent light bulb till now.


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Smart Bulb, Image Processing, CFL, LED, MATLAB, GPS etc.