Performance Evaluation of Cement Mortar Bricks with Waste Glass Bottles

  IJETT-book-cover  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT)          
© 2017 by IJETT Journal
Volume-46 Number-4
Year of Publication : 2017
Authors : Chandu Metta, Kalpana Pilla
DOI :  10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V46P238


Chandu Metta, Kalpana Pilla "Performance Evaluation of Cement Mortar Bricks with Waste Glass Bottles", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V46(4),221-225 April 2017. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group

The growth in various types of industries has resulted in enormous increase in production of various types of waste material. These creating pollutions to environment, it makes the effect to our day to day life .To reduce this problem, Glass bottles are used in our project. The present study investigates the potential use of water glass bottles with cement mortar to deal the problem as a strength modified in cubical cement mortar brick. The glass bottles filling with cement mortar can be used for bricks manufacture. Our study evaluates the compressive strength comparison of cement mortar brick with glass bottles to conventional cement mortar brick. The work consistent of one experiment approach towards waste glass bottles & use the material in mortar bricks. To simulate with the field crediting compressive strength test is carried out by taking number of sample. The result shows better compressive strengths with substantial saving in cost.


[1]IS:1077:1992-Resource of brick.
[2]IS2212(1991):Code of practice for brickwork.
[3]Compressive strength of brick(IS:3495-part-1-1992).
[4]”Concrete technology”Theory and practice,Atext book by Ms.Shetty,2005.
[5]Around 1905, Tom Kelly built his house in Rhyolite, Nevada, using 51,000 beer bottles Masonic with adobe. Kelly chose bottles because trees were scarce in the desert. Most of the bottles were Busch beer bottles collected from the 50 bars in this Gold Rush town. Rhyolite became a ghost town by 1920.
[6] Another famous bottle house site was built by the self-taught senior citizen Tressa “Grandma” Prisbrey. Located in Simi Valley, California, Bottle Village is lauded by art scholars, The State of California, The National Register of Historic Places and in exhibitions, as a major artistic achievement. Beginning construction in 1956 at age 60.

Cements mortar (1:6), Cubical cement mortar bricks, Solid waste management, Waste glass bottles filled with cement mortar.