To Identity Principal Causes Of Construction Delay

  IJETT-book-cover  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT)          
© 2017 by IJETT Journal
Volume-46 Number-8
Year of Publication : 2017
Authors : Devesh Kumar, Manoj Sharma, Dr. A.S. Trivedi
DOI :  10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V46P274


Devesh Kumar, Manoj Sharma, Dr. A.S. Trivedi "To Identity Principal Causes Of Construction Delay", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V46(8),427-431 April 2017. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group

Construction delays are matchless one in every of the greatest issues construction companies are facing now a day. The research are depend on the questionnaires survey conducted to identify and find out the relative importance index of the important factors contributing to construction delay in construction project. to determine principal causes of construction delay and their importance depend upon the owner ,consultant and contractor so that chances of construction delay in constructions fields are minimize and reduce the various effects on different project in this study 83 dissimilar factors of Construction delay were selected after the past review of research paper are affected by causes of construction delay if anybody doesn’t knows which are the main factors that causes delay then they cannot be succeeded. The project investigated in this study included residential building, office building projects and large and small construction work in town. In this research the project team members i.e. owner, contractor, consultant, Engineers and architecture etc. are taken for questionnaire survey to obtain the delay factors and research to identify the principal causes and effects of delay in construction field.


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construction Survey, Relative importance index (RII), effect of delay, and causes of delay.