Analysis Of TCP WestwoodNR Protocol in Congested and Lossy Network

  ijett-book-cover  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT)          
© 2013 by IJETT Journal
Volume-4 Issue-3                       
Year of Publication : 2013
Authors : Amit M Sheth , Kaushika D Patel , Jitendra P Chaudhari , Jagdish M Rathod


Amit M Sheth , Kaushika D Patel , Jitendra P Chaudhari , Jagdish M Rathod. "Analysis Of TCP WestwoodNR Protocol in Congested and Lossy Network". International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT). V4(3):477-482 Mar 2013. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group.


We study the performance of TCP Westwood NR (TCP - W NR ), a TCP protocol controls the window using end - to - end bandwidth estimation. This Bandwidth Estimation continuously estimates , at the TCP sender, the packet rate of the connection by monitoring the ACK reception rate. The estimated connection rate is then used to compute congestion window and slow start threshold set tings after a packet loss occurred . Resetting the window to match available bandwidth makes TCP - W NR more robust to Random loss as well as i n Congestion . Thus Rather than to react unnecessary window reduction after every packet lost, TCP - WNR uses this bandwidth estimation to compute congestion window and slow start threshold. These often cause conventional TCP to overreact, leading to unnecessary window reducti on. Experimental studies of TCP - W NR show significant improvements in throughput performance over Reno and SACK, particularly in wire d networks . Perfo r mance Results are shown that TCP - WNR is the best TCP protocol for link errors as well as congested networks. Pe r formance results also shown that with High Error Rate Environment, TCP - WNR gives the highest throughput among all other TCPs. A nalytic results are valida ted against simulation results.


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ssthresh - slow s tart threshold , cwnd - congestion window , Congestion Avoidance, TCP Westwood NR , Bandwidth Estimated, Random Loss (Link Error).