Bluetooth Based Home Automation and Security System Using ARM9

  ijett-book-cover  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT)          
© 2013 by IJETT Journal
Volume-4 Issue-9                      
Year of Publication : 2013


D.NARESH , B.CHAKRADHAR , S.KRISHNAVENI. "Bluetooth Based Home Automation and Security System Using ARM9". International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT). V4(9):4052-4058 Sep 2013. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group.


Today we are living in 21st century where automation is playing important role in human life. Home automation allows us to control household appliances like light, door, fan, AC etc. It also provides home security and emergency system to be activated. Home automation not only refers to reduce human ef forts but also energy saving and time efficiency . The main objective of home automation and security is to help handicapped and old aged people who will enable them to control home appliances and alert them in critical situations. This paper put forwards the design of home automation and security system using ARM7 LPC2148 board. The design is based on a standal one embedded system board ARM7 LPC2148 at home. Home app liances are connected to the ARM7 and communication is established be twee n the ARM7 and ARM9 with Bluetooth device. The home appliances are connected to the input / output ports of the embedded system board and their status is passed to the ARM7. We would develop an authentication to the system for authorized person to access home appliances. The device with low cost and scalable to less modification to the core is much important. It presents the design and implementation of automation system that can monitor and control home appliances via ARM9 S3C2440A board.


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Smart Home; Smart Environment ; Bluetooth Module ; Embedded Systems; ARM7 - MDK kit ; wince6.0; ARM9 with GUI .