Design and Fabrication of Telescopic Conveyor

  IJETT-book-cover  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT)          
© 2018 by IJETT Journal
Volume-61 Number-2
Year of Publication : 2018
Authors : Mr. Abhijith T J, Mr. Ajith C R, Mr. Aravind V, Mr.A.Gokul Karthik
DOI :  10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V61P216


MLA Style: Mr. Abhijith T J, Mr. Ajith C R, Mr. Aravind V, Mr.A.Gokul Karthik "Design and Fabrication of Telescopic Conveyor" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 61.2 (2018): 97-100.

APA Style:Mr. Abhijith T J, Mr. Ajith C R, Mr. Aravind V, Mr.A.Gokul Karthik, (2018). Design and Fabrication of Telescopic Conveyor. International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 61(2), 97-100.

Requirements in material handling industry is pressed to find solutions to convey materials over a wide range of varying distances. In order keep up, significant technology advances have been required in the field of Material handling system designs and development. The application of traditional components into a mechanical assembly which can expand and retract would be a boon to the material handling industry so hereby we present a telescopic conveyor system that can be used over a wide range of distances

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Flexible conveyor,powered material conveying