Work`s Ergonomic Analysis of the Production Sector of a Plastic Bag Factory in Cataguases/ Minas Gerais

  IJETT-book-cover  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT)          
© 2018 by IJETT Journal
Volume-64 Number-2
Year of Publication : 2018
Authors : Suellen Teixeira França , Zarur de Oliveira Silvano , Josiane Aparecida Cardoso de Souza
DOI :  10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V64P218


MLA Style: Suellen Teixeira França , Zarur de Oliveira Silvano , Josiane Aparecida Cardoso de Souza "Work`s Ergonomic Analysis of the Production Sector of a Plastic Bag Factory in Cataguases/ Minas Gerais" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 64.2 (2018): 99-106.

APA Style:Suellen Teixeira França , Zarur de Oliveira Silvano , Josiane Aparecida Cardoso de Souza (2018). Work`s Ergonomic Analysis of the Production Sector of a Plastic Bag Factory in Cataguases/ Minas Gerais. International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 64(2), 99-106.

This study aimed to evaluate the ergonomic conditions of the company, proposing ergonomic changes of the work, for the integrity and well-being of the employee, contributing to the performance of the same in the work environment. For the ergonomic analysis of the work, the questionnaire of the employee profile adapted from Bezerra (2011) and Kuorinka`s Checklist (1987) was applied to 11 employees, representing 73.33% of the total employees in the sector of production of plastic bags in the company. For a better visualization of the information obtained, the software R was used. It was verified that the majority of the workers feels greater musculoskeletal discomfort in the upper limbs, being most cited: shoulders, lumbar spine and, significantly, the neck. It was concluded that the target company has ergonomic deficiencies which are detrimental to employees` health and productivity. Ergonomic measures such as job rotation, gymnastics and changes in furniture and machinery were proposed.

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Ergonomics, musculoskeletal discomfort, production sector.