Study of Improper Dislocations in a Brazilian Electric Power Concessionaire: A Proposal of Reduction

  IJETT-book-cover  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT)          
© 2018 by IJETT Journal
Volume-65 Number-2
Year of Publication : 2018
Authors : Mauro Souza Carvalho Junior, Gilberto Souza Lopes
DOI :  10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V65P220


MLA Style: Mauro Souza Carvalho Junior, Gilberto Souza Lopes "Study of Improper Dislocations in a Brazilian Electric Power Concessionaire: A Proposal of Reduction" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 65.2 (2018): 107-112.

APA Style:Mauro Souza Carvalho Junior, Gilberto Souza Lopes (2018). Study of Improper Dislocations in a Brazilian Electric Power Concessionaire: A Proposal of Reduction. International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 65(2), 107-112.

One of the greatest difficulties faced by electric power concessionaires is the improper dislocation, that is, the dislocation of field teams that should not have occurred. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to reduce the number of improper dislocations in a Brazilian electric power concessionaire optimizing the work of teams. For this, an analysis of the stages of the occurrence attending process of lack of energy recorded by the call center was made to identify the main causes and propose improvements. In the methodology, we carried out analyzes of the company’s reports of attendance and service model through a flow chart and it was verified that the major cause of the improper dislocation is the fact that the energy is already normalized when the field team arrives at the requested place. Therefore, a new system was implemented for three months, in which a company employee returned the calls to customers 10 minutes after the call was opened to check for possible energy normalization. According to the results presented, it was possible to avoid 427 improper dislocations in a total of 2829, a reduction of 15% in the index provided by the new system.

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Improper Dislocation; Field teams; Electric power