Intra-Device Transient Uninstall for Applications in Mobile Devices

  IJETT-book-cover  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT)          
© 2018 by IJETT Journal
Volume-65 Number-3
Year of Publication : 2018
Authors : Deepak Kumar Garg, Sunil Rathour, Ankit Agarwal, Nitesh Goyal
DOI :  10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V65P229


MLA Style: Deepak Kumar Garg, Sunil Rathour, Ankit Agarwal, Nitesh Goyal"Intra-Device Transient Uninstall for Applications in Mobile Devices" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 65.3 (2018): 163-167.

APA Style:Deepak Kumar Garg, Sunil Rathour, Ankit Agarwal, Nitesh Goyal (2018). Intra-Device Transient Uninstall for Applications in Mobile Devices. International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 65(3), 163-167.

This paper describes a neoteric approach to save the memory consumption by applications installed by the user on mobile device. With the massive adoption of mobile equipment by the users, mobile device has become inevitable part of their life. The mobile devices are being used for a variety of business or non-business activities. With the exponential growth in mobile devices usage, the mobile applications usage by per user has significantly increased that has resulted into key issues with respect to the core device needs e.g. storage, battery and performance. To solve all these issues either user need to limit the usage of device or the user need to invariably keep extending the hardware configuration of the device. Towards such ends there is a need to develop a system which can save memory, enhance battery life and improve performance of device without restricting the user needs. For this purpose, a software based solution has been developed in this research by exploiting the existing technologies given by Google i.e. BackupManager [2]& UsageStatsManager [3] for Android OS. The proposedmechanism is called as Intra-Device Transient Uninstall. It saves the memory on mobile devices by managing the applications based on their usage and their memory consumption. It has two independent modules (1) Monitoring of Device activity. The monitoring module identifies the device usage based on any of the pre-determined factors – an event of predetermined time duration, location, operation profile of the device, storage space and time period associated with an application. (2) Zip module. It receives the application usage information from monitoring module and identifies the application data including files, databases, cache, and user data. Zip module removes this application from package manager after archiving the application and its data. The application has entered to a new state called Intra device transient uninstall. In this way, a new state of an application is introduced and it is based on the method of contextual & manual archiving of installed applications/packages on AndroidTM enabled mobile equipment for efficient memory management.

[1] WojtekKalici?ski. Auto Backup for Apps made simple. (2015).
[2] Backup Manager.
[3] Usage Stats Manager. app/usage/UsageStatsManager
[4] Calendar Provider. providers/calendar-provider

Archive, Restore, Backup Manager, Usage Stats Manager, Mobile Applications and Android.