Comparative Analysis Of Economic Feasibility For Energy Efficiency: Dimensioning A Photovoltaic System In A Confection In Municipality Of Dona Euzebia (Mg)

  IJETT-book-cover  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT)          
© 2019 by IJETT Journal
Volume-67 Issue-11
Year of Publication : 2019
Authors : Larissa Aparecida Nascimento Oliveira, Antônio de Oliveira Elízio
DOI :  10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V67I11P222


MLA Style: Larissa Aparecida Nascimento Oliveira, Antônio de Oliveira Elízio "Comparative Analysis Of Economic Feasibility For Energy Efficiency: Dimensioning A Photovoltaic System In A Confection In Municipality Of Dona Euzebia (Mg)" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 67.11 (2019):138-143.

APA Style:Larissa Aparecida Nascimento Oliveira, Antônio de Oliveira Elízio. Comparative Analysis Of Economic Feasibility For Energy Efficiency: Dimensioning A Photovoltaic System In A Confection In Municipality Of Dona Euzebia (Mg)  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 67(11),138-143.

Energy efficiency is a topic that is very much in Brazil, due to water problems. Therefore, we chose to do the analysis proposed in this paper to emphasize the importance of rational use of energy. The objective of the present work is to generate a comparative study between the costs for the implementation of a Photovoltaic Power Generation System in a confection located in the city of Dona Euzebia, Minas Gerais. Two Energy Efficiency projects were carried out to propose savings in the reduction of electricity and to verify which is the most economically viable project for the company under study. For the analysis of the economic and financial viability of the projects, the simple payback, the net present value (VPL), and the internal rate of return were analyzed (TIR). With the proposal of saving in the reduction of electric energy, Project 2 should be implemented in the confection, because the cost of the initial investment and the return time of this investment are smaller than Project 1. The results revealed that the project of the implementation of Photovoltaic solar energy as an alternative for cost reduction and energy diversification is feasible for the analyzed confection, considering the projected dice.


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Confection, Energy Efficiency, Photovoltaic Energy, Project; Viability;