Application of the FMECA Tool in the Identification of Causes of Faults in Distribution Transformers in Cameroon: Case of the Buea Sub-Area Network
Application of the FMECA Tool in the Identification of Causes of Faults in Distribution Transformers in Cameroon: Case of the Buea Sub-Area Network |
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© 2022 by IJETT Journal | ||
Volume-70 Issue-3 |
Year of Publication : 2022 | ||
Authors : Wirnkar Basil Nsanyuy, Chu Donatus Iweh, Nde Donatus Nguti, Felix Nkellefack Tapang, Emmanuel Tanyi |
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How to Cite?
Wirnkar Basil Nsanyuy, Chu Donatus Iweh, Nde Donatus Nguti, Felix Nkellefack Tapang, Emmanuel Tanyi, "Application of the FMECA Tool in the Identification of Causes of Faults in Distribution Transformers in Cameroon: Case of the Buea Sub-Area Network," International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, vol. 70, no. 3, pp. 75-84, 2022. Crossref,
The reliability of the distribution system is dependent on system components such as transformers. When faults occur in the distribution transformers, especially when they connect the power system to critical loads such as telecommunication systems, airports, hospital railways, etc., the failure could be catastrophic as it brings about material and economic losses to the utility company. This situation is even more serious in developing countries with mostly radial network topology. The energy utility company in Cameroon (ENEO Cameroon) has been facing several power outages on the distribution network caused by the failures of distribution transformers, and this has resulted in severe economic impacts not only on ENEO but extends on damaging of customers’ equipment. The rationale of this research is to identify distribution transformer root causes of failures in the Buea distribution network. The area chosen for this study is Buea, a sub-area of the Southern Interconnected Grid (SIG) in Cameroon. The FMECA procedure was applied on the distribution transformers to identify the failure modes, effects and criticality analysis. The study found that the failure rate in Buea from 2019-2021 was 15% and on averagely 5% annually. The FMECA results revealed that windings failure and insulation failure were the most probable causes of failures in Buea, while vandalism, bushings and the core were also to be carefully monitored to prevent equipment failure.
Criticality analysis, ENEO, Reliability, radial network, SIG.
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