Vertical Tailings Approach Utilizing Surface Paste Disposal to Reduce Land Space Waste from Water in Polymetallic Mining in Peru

Vertical Tailings Approach Utilizing Surface Paste Disposal to Reduce Land Space Waste from Water in Polymetallic Mining in Peru

© 2024 by IJETT Journal
Volume-72 Issue-8
Year of Publication : 2024
Author : Renato Guzman, Karla Borjas, Yaneth Vásquez, Vidal Aramburu, Luis Arauzo, Carlos Raymundo, Heyul Chavez, Grimaldo Quispe and Francisco Dominguez
DOI : 10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V72I8P104

How to Cite?

Renato Guzman, Karla Borjas, Yaneth Vásquez, Vidal Aramburu, Luis Arauzo, Carlos Raymundo, Heyul Chavez, Grimaldo Quispe and Francisco Dominguez, "Vertical Tailings Approach Utilizing Surface Paste Disposal to Reduce Land Space Waste from Water in Polymetallic Mining in Peru," International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, vol. 72, no. 8, pp. 27-36, 2024. Crossref,

Recently, extensive studies on Surface Paste Disposal (SPD) technology have been carried out to address stability issues in mining tailings deposits. However, the problem of space has not been thoroughly examined. This research aims to assess the disposal of polymetallic tailings using the SPD method, optimizing surfaces, and recovering water from mines in central Peru. To accomplish this, a model using SPD will be developed to minimize land space waste in deposits. This approach involves removing water from tailings with 55% solids and then depositing them as a paste with a solids content of 70% to 75%, replicating paste layering in the laboratory. The methodological process took place in a laboratory where three scale models of tailings dams with different configurations were designed, with the optimal arrangement minimizing space use and water consumption. As a result, approximately 20% of the water used in the conventional method was recovered, and about 16% of the space was utilized. This demonstrates that the method effectively addresses the main issue while reducing secondary problems associated with the conventional arrangement

Paste tailings, Paste technology, SPD, Tailings deposits, Tailings disposal.

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