A Novel Hybrid Flower Pollination Algorithm with Chaotic Harmony Search for Solving Sudoku Puzzles

  IJETT-book-cover  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT)          
© 2014 by IJETT Journal
Volume-7 Number-3                          
Year of Publication : 2014
Authors : Osama Abdel-Raouf , Mohamed Abdel-Baset , Ibrahim El-henawy


Osama Abdel-Raouf , Mohamed Abdel-Baset , Ibrahim El-henawy , Article:A Novel Hybrid Flower Pollination Algorithm with Chaotic Harmony Search for Solving Sudoku Puzzles , International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology(IJETT), 7(3),126-132, published by seventh sense research group


Flower Pollination algorithm (FP) is a new nature-inspired algorithm, based on the characteristics of flowering plants .In this paper, a new hybrid optimization method called improved Flower Pollination Algorithm with Chaotic Harmony Search (FPCHS) is proposed. The method combines the standard Flower Pollination algorithm (FP) with the chaotic Harmony Search (HS) algorithm to improve the searching accuracy. The FPCHS algorithm is used to solve Sudoku puzzles. Numerical results show that the FPCHS is accurate and efficient in comparison with standard Harmony Search, (HS) algorithm.


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Flower pollination algorithm, Harmony search, meta-heuristics, optimization, Sudoku, chaos, evolutionary algorithms.