Power Quality Improvement using Dual Voltage Source Converter Based DVR
A.Suresh , V.Govindaraj, Article : Power Quality Improvement using Dual Voltage Source Converter Based DVR, International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology(IJETT), 7(4),160-164, published by seventh sense research group
In any power system, The modelling and simulation of three and seven-level Dual Voltage Source Converter based dynamic voltage restorer (DVR) aimed at correcting the supply voltage sag/swell and interruption in low voltage distribution networks. The proposed design models of DVSC based DVR are expected to be most powerful solutions to minimize supply voltage disturbances of the sensitive loads. A DVR is a VSC based power electronics device connected in series between the supply and the critical loads, which are to be protected from the supply side voltage quality problems, other than outages, by injecting the required compensating voltage through DVR into the distribution line. The proposed models of DVR together with the controllers are simulated by using MAT LAB Simulink and the results are presented to assess the performance of each device.
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FACTS, Power quality, DVSC.