A Review on: Web Mining Techniques
Mr. Akshay A. Adsod , Prof. Nitin R. Chopde. "A Review on: Web Mining Techniques", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V10(3),108-113 April 2014. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group
These days, the development of World Wide Web has surpassed a considerable measure with additional desires. Vast measure of content archives, sight and sound records and pictures were accessible in the web and it is even now expanding in its structures. So with a specific end goal to give better administration along upgrading the nature of sites, it has ended up exceptionally critical for the site holder to better comprehend their clients. This is carried out by mining web. Web mining - is the requisition of information mining to concentrate learning from web substance, structure, and utilization which is the gathering of web innovations. Enthusiasm toward Web mining has become quickly in its short history, both in the exploration and expert groups. The proposed paper concentrates on a short diagram of web mining procedures alongside its requisition in related territory.
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Web mining, Web content mining, Web structure mining, and Web usage mining.