An Enhanced Client-Server Assignment for Internet Distributed Systems
Rajesh D. Bharati , Ishan Naidu , Anurag Kiran , Kalpesh Khune , Chirag Vyas. "An Enhanced Client-Server Assignment for Internet Distributed Systems", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V10(4),198-201 April 2014. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
Internet is a collection of several distributed systems consisting of various clients and servers. These clients communicate with each other with the help of intermediate servers. An optimized performance for such a system needs proper client-server assignment. Such a system can be achieved by mainly considering the factors like total communication load and load balancing of the servers. We propose an approach based on an algorithm which obtain an approximately optimal solution for the client-server assignment problem. The simulation experiments will show that our approach has better efficiency than the existing client-server assignment.
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Distributed systems, client-server systems, graph clustering, load balancing, communication overhead, optimization.