A Comparative Study of the Suitability of Dakuk, Kirkuk-Iraq and Tuz, Salahaddin-Iraq Coarse Aggregates for Construction Purposes
Shafak Noori H. Barzangi , Assist. Prof. Dr. Hamed M. Jassim , Sarmad Fadhil Abdullah , Shukri Saleh Mohamed. "A Comparative Study of the Suitability of Dakuk, Kirkuk-Iraq and Tuz, Salahaddin-Iraq Coarse Aggregates for Construction Purposes", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V10(8),380-386 April 2014. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group
This paper investigates the properties of some natural coarse aggregates in Dakuk and Tuz. Two gravel samples were obtained from different locations and transported to Civil Engineering Laboratory, Technical Institute of Kirkuk and Concrete Laboratory in Koya University. Tests conducted on the gravel samples include: specific gravity, bulk density, sieve analysis, abrasion, absorption, impact, crushing, elongation and flakiness. Test results revealed that the specific gravities of the gravels Dakuk and Tuz to be (2.641, 2.576) , compacted bulk densities to be (1657 Kg/m3, 1640 Kg/m3 ), loose bulk densities for both to be (1573 Kg/m3 ), abrasions to be (16.3%, 13.6%) , Gravel samples possessed low water absorption value (1% and 0.9%) and low effective porosity, elongation index to be 14% , 20% and flakiness (16.2% , 31%) , Aggregate impact values of samples were (9.18 and 7.33%) showing good soundness, crushing values of samples were (5.92% and 5.71% ) , Los Angeles abrasion test also showed consistent hardness of each of the samples (16.3 and 13.6%) . The study results indicated that both samples satisfy the Iraqi standards, British standards and American Standards of Testing Material for concrete and road aggregates.
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Absorption, Abrasion, Coarse Aggregate, Crushing Value, Elongation Index, Flakiness Index, Impact Value, Los Angeles Test, Sieving Analysis.