Fabrication and Testing of an Improved Hydraulic Accumulator for a Truck Loading Lift
Olawale J. Okegbile , Abubakar Mohammed , Abdulkadir B. Hassan , Emmanuel A. Onekutu. "Fabrication and Testing of an Improved Hydraulic Accumulator for a Truck Loading Lift", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V10(12),586-589 April 2014. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group
The hydraulic accumulator stores the required amount of energy in the form of pressurised fluid from a pump, and then expends this energy when it is fully charged within a short time in order to do work effectively. The improved hydraulic accumulator for a truck loading lift operates at an efficiency of 52.6%. The machine operates with a manual pump and the lift system comprises of set of linkages made of mild steel which transfers power from the hydraulic accumulator to the load lifting operation. The machine stands at a total height of 1.62m and its frames are made of angular mild steel bars.
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Fabrication, Hydraulic Accumulator, Truck loading, Lift.