Dynamic (Vibrational) and Static Structural Analysis of Ladder Frame
Ketan Gajanan Nalawade , Ashish Sabu , Baskar P. "Dynamic (Vibrational) and Static Structural Analysis of Ladder Frame", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V11(2),93-98 May 2014. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group
Automotive chassis is the back bone of an automobile, which acts as the frame to support the body and other different parts of the vehicle. It is the most crucial element that gives strength and stability to the vehicle under different conditions. So the frame should be extremely rigid and strong so that it can withstand shocks, twists, stresses and vibrations to which it is subjected while vehicle is moving on road. Thus strength and stiffness are the two important design considerations. In this paper static structural analysis and model analysis of a Tata 407 truck chassis is done. Since it is easy to analyse structural systems by finite element method, the chassis is modelled using CATIA and the finite element analysis is done using the ANSYS workbench.
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Ladder frame, model (Dynamic) analysis, Structural analysis