A Study on Power Saving and Secure WSN
Anil Kumar , Preeti gulia , Shikha Sharma. "A Study on Power Saving and Secure WSN", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V11(4),192-201 May 2014. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group
wireless sensor network has a good future in many daily usage of a society system. WSN application is countless. Main benefit of this application is that we can implement in most of daily usage work. Security and power are major issues and challenges of any WSN’s .Because these are the primary aspect of any WSN’s system, some limitation and behaviour of WSN pose security challenges. In WSN area researchers are trying to find out best solution for battery efficiency improvement and reliable security improvable of WSN. In this review paper we have analysed applications, issues and challenges of WSN.
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wireless sensor network’s (WSN) Introduction