Zigbee-based Location System for Forest Search and Rescue Missions
Dr.K.R.R.Mohanrao , T.Nandini. "Zigbee-based Location System for Forest Search and Rescue Missions", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V11(4),202-207 May 2014. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group
This paper presents the framework of a ZigBee based rescue robot for missing people in forest environment. We will give RFID tag to each and every person who will enter into the forest and will give GSM, fire sensor, GPS, and ZigBee modules to all nearby trees in forest. If microcontroller detects the persons tag then it will send the information about location of particular person to ROBO through GPS module and RFID reader receives information: forest’s name, longitudinal and latitudinal coordinates from the tag on the closest tree. ROBO will send that information to the control unit through ZigBee. In control unit we operate all this by using lab view and we only manually operate the ROBO in the forest. Finally, the missing victim is localized, and we present a power supply solution using solar energy.
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LPC1768, ATMEGA 644, GSM module, RFID module, Fire sensor, RF Camera, GPS module, ZigBee module.