Review on Stresses in Cylindrical Pressure Vessel and its Design as per ASME Code

  IJETT-book-cover  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT)          
© 2014 by IJETT Journal
Volume-11 Number-6
Year of Publication : 2014
Authors : Sumit V. Dubal , S. Y. Gajjal , V. G. Patil


Sumit V. Dubal , S. Y. Gajjal , V. G. Patil. "Review on Stresses in Cylindrical Pressure Vessel and its Design as per ASME Code", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V11(6),300-305 May 2014. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group


High pressure is developed in pressure vessel so pressure vessel has to withstand several forces developed due to internal pressure So selection of pressure vessel is most critical. For safety purpose the pressure vessel has to be designed according to ASME standards. In general the cylindrical shell is made of a uniform thickness which is determined by the maximum circumferential stress due to the internal pressure. Since the longitudinal stress is only one-half of this circumferential stress, these vessels have available abeam strength which makes the two-saddle support system ideal for a wide range of proportions. The structure is to be designed fabricated and checked as per ASME. By knowing these stresses, it is possible to determine which pressure vessel is designed for internal pressure alone, and to design structurally adequate and economical stiffening for vessel which require it. The section VIII, division 1 and division 2 are used in design. Division 1 correspond to ‘design by rule and Division 2 correspond to ‘design by Analysis’ In this paper, the horizontal pressure vessel supported on saddles is designed according to the guidelines given in Div 1 and Div 2. Efforts are made in this paper to understand the various stresses developed in pressure vessel and design the pressure vessel using ASME codes & standards to legalize the design


[1] Vincent A. Carucci Carmagen Engineering, Inc.” Overview Of Pressure Vessel Design”, Copyright © 1999 by All Rights Reserved.
[2] Walter J. Sperko “Reduction in Design Margin in the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code in the 1999 Addenda”, © P.E. 6/01/00 Page 4 of 4.
[3] K. Magnucki,” Optimal Heads Design Of A Horizontal Circular Tank With Ellipsoidal”, Institute of Technology, Pedagogical University of Zielona Gdra,al. Wojska Polskiego 69, PL-65-625 Zielona G6ra,Poland.
[4] J. E. Meyer revision of August 1996 1, “Structural Design Notes Topic Pressure Vessel Stress Analysis”.
[5] ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code 2007 Sec 8 Division 1 (2007).
[6] ASME Sec. II, Part D.
[7] Dr. Clemens Kaminski “Stress analysis and pressure vessels”

Pressure vessel, Steam Boilers, ASME Code