Failure Analysis of Bolted Composite Joint- A Review

  IJETT-book-cover  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT)          
© 2014 by IJETT Journal
Volume-11 Number-10
Year of Publication : 2014
Authors : Rashmi Gill , Veerendra Kumar , Anshul Choudhary


Rashmi Gill , Veerendra Kumar , Anshul Choudhary. "Failure Analysis of Bolted Composite Joint- A Review", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V11(10),482-488 May 2014. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group


A review of publications associated with the failure of bolted composite joints in this paper has been carried out. The study covered the work done from 2005 to 2012. Mechanical fasteners often cause a reduction of load capacity of the composite structure because of the complicated stress field near the hole area. Consequently, special attention must be given to design of fasteners. The design of efficient structural attachments represents one of the major challenges in the development of composite structures. Because of its generic nature, the joint design deserves a separate treatment as a case study. Characterization of joint failure in bolted composite laminates is complicated because of the large number of parameters involved. A large part of the research, done on mechanically fastened joints so far, has been concerned with the experimental determination of the influence of geometric factors on the joint strength. In this paper, the advances that took place in analytical approaches, experimental tests and finite element analysis associated with composite bolt designing have been studied. A review of publications associated with the failure of bolted composite joints in this paper has been carried out. The study covered the work done from 2005 to 2012. Mechanical fasteners often cause a reduction of load capacity of the composite structure because of the complicated stress field near the hole area. Consequently, special attention must be given to design of fasteners. The design of efficient structural attachments represents one of the major challenges in the development of composite structures. Because of its generic nature, the joint design deserves a separate treatment as a case study. Characterization of joint failure in bolted composite laminates is complicated because of the large number of parameters involved. A large part of the research , done on mechanically fastened joints so far, has been concerned with the experimental determination of the influence of geometric factors on the joint strength. In this paper, the advances that took place in analytical approaches, experimental tests and finite element analysis associated with composite bolt designing have been studied.


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Bolted joint, composite, failure modes, finite element method, geometric factors, load capacity, stress field.