Estimating Corroded Area of Metallic Surfaces Using Edge Detection & Hole Filling
Rajiv Kumar , Maninder Pal , Tarun Gulati. "Estimating Corroded Area of Metallic Surfaces Using Edge Detection & Hole Filling", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V11(11),529-536 May 2014. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
This paper focuses on developing a system to estimate the area of corroded metallic surface using edge detection techniques. For this purpose, an algorithm is presented along with an edge detection technique based on morphological functions to identify and estimate the corroded areas in an image. The developed algorithm is tested for several images; and the results obtained are divided into three parts. The first part discusses the efficiency of the proposed edge detection algorithm based on morphological erosion operation. The algorithm is tested in comparison with traditional Sobel, Prewitt, Roberts and Canny algorithms; and from the results obtained, it is found to be able to detect the corroded surface. The second part investigated the accuracy of the proposed corrosion based algorithm using the images of objects with known area. In the third part, the corrosion detection algorithm is tested for various real pictures of corroded surfaces. From the visual assessment of the results, it is observed that the proposed algorithm has given a far greater reproducible performance in comparison with visual inspection techniques done by humans. Thus, the combination of the proposed corrosion detection algorithm along with the morphology based proposed edge detection algorithm is found suitable for detecting and estimating the area of corroded region in the image of corroded metallic surface.
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Corrosion Detection; Corrosion Estimation; Dilation; Erosion and Hole Filling