Comparative Study of MAC Layer Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey

  IJETT-book-cover  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT)          
© 2014 by IJETT Journal
Volume-12 Number-1                          
Year of Publication : 2014
Authors : Rahul R Lanjewar, Dr D S Adane


Rahul R Lanjewar, Dr D S Adane. "Comparative Study of MAC Layer Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V12(1),13-19 June 2014. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group


Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) is the collection of many small size low cost, battery operated sensor nodes distributed over the targeted region to collect the information of interest. We can say these networks can be a fruitful solution for many applications such as target tracking, intrusion detection etc. Whenever we are talking about MAC layer protocols we need to give stress on energy efficiency factor. There are few other issues like high throughput and delay. In the early development stages, designers were mostly concerned with energy ef?ciency because sensor nodes are usually limited in power supply. Recently, new protocols are being developed to provide multi-task support and ef?cient delivery of bursty traf?c. Therefore, research attention has turned back to throughput and delay. Designing an efficient MAC layer protocol is an important task as it coordinates all the nodes to the share the wireless medium. In [3] classification of MAC layer protocols is carried out in four categories viz. Asynchronous, Synchronous, Frame-Slotted and Multichannel. We are carrying the same classification. In our survey we have compared different MAC protocols in terms of energy efficiency, data delivery mechanisms and overhead to maintain a protocol along with their advantages and disadvantages.


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Wireless Sensor Networks, energy efficiency, Medium Access Control, Multichannel, Synchronous, Asynchronous, Frame-Slotted Protocols.