Implementation of TPA and Data Integrity in Cloud Computing using RSA Algorithm
Mr.Vinay Tila Patil , Prof. Gajendra Singh Chandel. "Implementation of TPA and Data Integrity in Cloud Computing using RSA Algorithm", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V12(2),85-93 June 2014. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
Cloud infrastructure has been envisioned as the next-generation construction of IT Initiative. It passages the application software and databases to the integrated large data hubs, where the administration of the data and services may not be fully trustworthy. This exceptional prototype brings about many new security challenges, which have not been well unwritten. This work studies the problem of ensuring the integrity of data storage in Cloud Computing. In certain, we consider the task of allowing a trusted third party (TPA), on behalf of the cloud client, to verify the data integrity of the data stored in the cloud server. By using TPA we eliminate the involvement of the cloud client through the auditing of whether his data integrity 0f stored data in the cloud server is to be sure integral. The support for data changing aspects via the most general forms of data operation, such as text modification, insertion and deletion, is also a significant step toward practicality, since services in Cloud Computing are not limited to archive or backup data only. While previous works on ensuring remote data integrity often lacks the support of either public auditability or dynamic data operations, but our work can be succeeds in both steps both. In this we first identify the difficulties and possible security problems of direct extensions with fully dynamic data updates from previous works and then show how to construct a smart verification scheme for the unified integration of these two outstanding features in our design. In particular, to achieve effective data dynamics, we improve the current proof of storage models by manipulating block tag authentication. To support efficient handling of multiple auditing tasks, we further explore the technique of signature to extend our main result into a multi-user setting, where TPA can perform multiple auditing tasks simultaneously. Extensive security and performance analysis show that the proposed schemes are highly efficient and provably secure.
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cloud computing , cloud security, TPA.