Cryptography: A Useful and Widely Used Tool in Today’s Engineering Security
Ekwe A.O , Okonba B.J. "Cryptography: A Useful and Widely Used Tool in Today’s Engineering Security", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V12(4),196-198 June 2014. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
Encryption is a useful and widely used tool in security engineering today. It involved the use of codes and a cipher to transform information into unintelligible data. This paper presents a systematic approach for data encryption. Ad-hoc networks that communicate between the nodes of the network using basic server client methodology were created first. These algorithms were found very effective and maintain security and also reduce the overhead. And, through the data encryption and decryption, the protection of data confidentiality, availability, authentication, authorization and integrity were achieved.
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Encryption; Availability; Confidentiality; Authorization.