A Novel Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation Model for Energy Efficient Multi-beam STICS Networks
Ramya Ranjan Choudhury , Md Rizwan Khan. "A Novel Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation Model for Energy Efficient Multi-beam STICS Networks", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V12(5),237-241 June 2014. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group
Dynamic bandwidth allocation, keeping in view of energy efficiency is the utmost solutions to achieve flexible and efficient satellite based cellular networks. This would be helpful for communicating with anywhere and with anyone with global coverage. In this research article it is proposed that the assignment of bandwidth must be dynamic for this energy efficient mobile-satellite integrated system since user capacity demand is going to double by 2020. The model for such assignment is chosen in terms of obtaining energy efficiency thereby conducting measurement of interference. For this the quality of service on the basis of link control of threshold for a spectrum must be known. A pattern with frequency reuse ratio of 1 and 3 is selected consecutively keeping the fixed access satellites constant for the evaluation of energy efficient STICS systems. If the quality of link obtained from proposed model is maintained greater than blocking rate the frequency reuse would be unity. But in ideal case we can say that bandwidth requirement for quite large users can be sustained by implementing the model described in this paper
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STICS, MSS, Dynamic bandwidth, frequency reuse, beam-forming, blocking rate, traffic ratio.