Wireless Power Transmission for Charging Mobiles
Aakib J. Sayyad , N. P. Sarvade. "Wireless Power Transmission for Charging Mobiles", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V12(7),331-336 June 2014. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group
Wireless power transmission holds a promise able future for generating a small amount of electrical power for charge mobile wirelessly.growing Importance in wireless field which has numerous benefits such as it would completely eliminate the need of carrying charger along with mobiles, no more need of keeping mobiles nearer to socket as cables have shorter length than area covered by wireless field. This paper presents architecture of wireless transmission for mobile systems(WPTM), design specifications with simulation ofquarter wave printed monopole antennawhich is best suitable for the project because of its high gain & efficiency and low loss. A Schottky diode based charge pump circuit performance is also studied with simulations result with input of 0dBm and -10dBm.Purpose of this paper is to build an architecture for wireless low powertransmissionsystem which is, simple, affordable robust and to identify promising directions for future research.
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Wireless power transfer for mobile(WPTM),Nikola Tesla, ?/4 printed monopole antenna, schottky diode.