Survey of Image Retrieval via Visual Attention & Saliency Feature

  IJETT-book-cover  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT)          
© 2014 by IJETT Journal
Volume-12 Number-9
Year of Publication : 2014
Authors : Prof. Anand K. Hase , Prof. Baisa L. Gunjal


Prof. Anand K. Hase , Prof. Baisa L. Gunjal. "Survey of Image Retrieval via Visual Attention & Saliency Feature ", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V12(9),446-448 June 2014. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group


In the real world applications such as landmark search, copy protection, fake image detection, partial duplicate image retrieval is very important. In the internet era users regularly upload images which are partially duplicate images on the various domains. The partial image is only part of whole image, and the various kind of transformation involves scale, resolution, illumination, viewpoint. This technique is demanded by various real world applications and thus has attracted towards this research. In object based image retrieval methods usually use the whole image as the query. This technique has been compared with the text retrieval system by using the bag of visual words (BOV)[3]. There is lots of background noise in the images and impossible to perform interaction operation on the large scale database of the images. Two observations are notable as a user point of view. First, people show various objects or region through the images which are shared on the web, we also expect that the returned result also focus on the major parts or objects. Regions of interest are only found in salient region of the retrieval. Second, and the similar region in the returned result also identical to the salient region of the images. To filter out the non salient region from the image, which able to eliminate the background noise we introduce visual attention analysis technique. We also want to generate saliency region which having the expected visual contents.


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Partial Duplicate Image, Bags of Visual Words (BOV), Visual Attention, Saliency Feature, Visually Salient & Rich Region.