Modification in Parameter of Intersatellite Communication using Multiple Transmitter and Receiver
Ravi Gupta , Sandhya Sharma , Manoj Kumar Sharma. "Modification in Parameter of Intersatellite Communication using Multiple Transmitter and Receiver", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V12(10),495-498 June 2014. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
Free Space Optical Communication (FSO) is the three dimension high BW access global communication system. FSO communication is one of the major robust technology in ‘Intersatellite Communication’. By using optisystem software, investigation of different parameters regarding intersatellite communication is done through virtual circuit and also studying the performance of intersatellite communication. Through this paper analysis of the received power and quality factor (Q-factor) at different distance between LEO-LEO communication is observed in the form of eye diagram. In this paper modification is done by using multiple transmitter and receiver for LEO-LEO communication over 5000km distance with maximum 10gbps data rate [1,2].
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FSO, Intersatellite Communication, LEO-LEO, Q-Factor.