Experimental Investigation of Tesla Turbine and its Underlying Theory
Kartikeya Awasthi , Aman Aggarwal. "Experimental Investigation of Tesla Turbine and its Underlying Theory", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V13(2),98-100 July 2014. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group
Nikola Tesla is widely known for his outstanding achievements in generation transmission and utilization of power. The object of this paper is to experimentally verify one such method of extracting electrical power from fluid energy; devised by Tesla in his 1913 patent; known as Tesla Turbine. It is to be noted that almost no work has been done using water as the working fluid for the turbine so an attempt to reconstruct the turbine as per Nikola Tesla’s patent has been made with positive results obtained by generation of useful electrical power using water as the medium which provides a new outlook towards our understanding of the turbines and the ways by which mechanical energy of the motive fluid can be converted into useful electrical output. .
[1] N. Tesla. “Turbine" In: US Patent No. 1,061,206 (May 1913).
[2] W. Rice. “An Analytical and Experimental Investigation of Multiple Disk Turbines"
[3] [Online] site links Available: https://energypedia.info/wiki/Pico_Hydro_Power
bladeless turbine, boundary layer turbine, disc turbine, tesla turbine.