Frangi’s Vessel Detection Approach for Coronary Angiogram Segmentation
Geethu Sasidharan , Angitha George. "Frangi’s Vessel Detection Approach for Coronary Angiogram Segmentation", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V13(5),213-217 July 2014. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
Now a day, cardiovascular disease is a serious problem to human health. For better clinical assessment of vascular diseases, the extraction and segmentation of coronary artery from X-ray angiographic images is very important. In this paper, a simple and powerful method for coronary artery segmentation from X-ray angiogram is proposed. This Method combines Noise Adaptive Fuzzy Switching Median (NAFSM) filter, Frangi’s vessel detection and Region Growing. This method uses Noise Adaptive Fuzzy Switching Median filter to enhance angiographic images. Frangi’s vessel detection helps to detect vessels in coronary angiogram. The region-growing algorithm is used to segment detected coronary artery tree. The proposed method is robust to noise in angiograms. This method can successfully extract almost all distant, overlapped and smaller vessels of the coronary artery tree.
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Coronary angiograms, NAFSM filter, Frangi’s vessel detection, Region growing.