Compressive Modulation In Digital Communication Using QPSK
Lokendra Singh , Anuj Sharma. "Compressive Modulation In Digital Communication Using QPSK", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V13(5),230-236 July 2014. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
In wireless communication system, selection of modulation scheme is very important parameter for good performance. Different parameters are generally considered for selection of modulation scheme i.e. bandwidth occupancy, Bit error rate, Signal to Noise ratio, cost, effectiveness and ease implementation, but one of the important parameter that is being chosen since from very long time is bandwidth efficiency. As the waveform of all modulation scheme is separated in time domain which makes them difficult to improve their bandwidth efficiency. Since, from last decade researchers are continuously trying to combat this problem and finally, they were able to proposed a scheme that is able to reconstruct the original signal in aliasing measurement, named as Compressive Modulation (CM). The key part of Compressive Modulation is Compressive Sensing on the behalf of which former is able to improve the bandwidth efficiency of our existing modulation schemes. In this paper, we are measuring the performance of QPSK in terms of Bandwidth and power efficiency in AWGN Fading channel. Then by using proposed scheme with QPSK, we try to improve the bandwidth efficiency of later one. Theoretical analysis and experimental results shows that bandwidth efficiency of QPSK is improved by using the proposed scheme (CS).
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Compressive Modulation, Compressive Sensing, QPSK