BFO Based Optimized Positioning For Black Hole Attack Mitigation in WSN
Manvi Arya , Er. Jatinder Pal Singh Raina. "?BFO Based Optimized Positioning For Black Hole Attack Mitigation in WSN", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V14(1),29-34 Aug 2014. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
Wireless Sensor networks are always susceptible to attacks by malicious behavior of external adversary which could negatively affect the secured routing and QoS and hence, vital wireless applications. In recent times, a lot of severe attacks have been proposed which make such networks highly vulnerable. One such attack is black hole attack that can be easily employed against routing in sensor networks. In this attack, a set of nodes in the network are being captured and reprogrammed by the external adversary so that these nodes do not transmit the data packets to the destination, which they generate or receive from other sensor nodes. In this paper, we propose an efficient technique that uses multiple base stations to be deployed randomly in the network to counter the impact of black holes on data transmission. Our simulation results show that our technique can achieve more than 99% packet delivery success using one or two base stations and also, the success rate increases with three or more base stations even if there is increase in the radius of the black hole region. The proposed scheme can be used to identify 100% black hole nodes with almost negligible false positives.
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WSN, black hole attack, multiple base stations, successful data delivery, bacteria foraging optimization, false positives.