Importance of Teaching Innovation & Creativity in Engineering and Management
Dr Asha Thakur , Monika Shekhawat. "Importance of Teaching Innovation & Creativity in Engineering and Management", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V14(3),153-157 Aug 2014. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
In Technical education, there are many reasons for motivating people to learn engineering, and management. Most of the technical universities are expected to provide opportunities that encourage and nurture creativity in engineering and management students. If education become enjoyable and adventuress then it can generate interest in the students and motivate them to stay back rather than burden and boredom. In this paper some of the main issues for teaching Innovation in engineering and management will be explored. This paper reviews the current purpose of teaching, teaching creativity, creative techniques and role of innovator that tend to foster knowledge in engineering and management students.
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collaboration, creativity, innovation, innovators, creative thinking