Design of an Electric Arc Furnace for Fused Quartz Industry
Tamoghna Saha , Sasikala Anboo. "Design of an Electric Arc Furnace for Fused Quartz Industry", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V15(3),153-156 Sep 2014. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
The electric arc furnace used for the manufacture of fused silica in industries has been quite an old one and no such innovations have been performed in its design area in order to yield high product output for large scale operations. Here, we present a design of this electric arc furnace which can be used to operate for a feed of about 2-2.5 tons and thus can yield about 80% of the feed as product (fused quartz) quantity wise. The furnace is considered to be a combination of 3 coaxial vertical cylinders, where the impure silica rock is itself used as a refractory in the furnace. For detailed explanation we have taken the chemical design along with heat transfer parameters into consideration. In comparison to the literature study, a detailed study was done on the variation of different dimensionless parameters associated with the furnace operation and also on the usage of impure silica rocks as the refractory in the outermost cylindrical chamber of the furnace was found effective along with the usage of a torispherical head arrangement.
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Cylinder, Design, Electric Arc Furnace, Fused quartz, Nusselt Number ,Pressure, Torrispherical Head