Permeable Concrete Block Paving Applications in the United Arab Emirates
James Eyre , Prakash Bhalchandra. "Permeable Concrete Block Paving Applications in the United Arab Emirates ", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V16(5),227-236 Oct 2014. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
Permeable Concrete Block Paving (CBP) solutions are well established and widely implemented throughout the USA and Europe, although only recently applied in the Middle East and Asia. The concept of permeable CBP originated in Germany in the early 1980’s and has seen rapidly increasing acceptance by engineers and landscapers globally (see [1] for further details). Permeable CBP is a Construction Industry Research and Information Association (CIRIA) recognised source control component of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS). An increased focus on SuDS for urban drainage schemes initiated from their identification as a promising ‘means of implementation’ of the United Nations Agenda 21 action plan on Sustainable Development (1992), [2] and in response to subsequent global trends following the introduction in the USA of regulations requiring the control of run-off for major projects. This paper investigates the application of permeable CBP to SuDS schemes in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and in detail, the world’s largest and first application in the Middle East of the Hanson Formpave®, Aquaflow system, covering an area of 196,200m2 in Dubai (referred to throughout this paper as ‘the project’). Considering a pre-constructed, ‘eco-signature’ developed golf-course, a sustainable scheme incorporating a residential roads solution offering dual use of space and no additional land take was highly beneficial, ultimately leading to the selection of the Formpave® Aquaflow system by the client. The result is a significant reduction in the environmental and economic impacts of an alternative, dedicated surface-water drainage network with its associated requirements for multi-stage pumping stations across a highly contoured site. Key areas of this study include structural and hydrological design criteria and the selection of an infiltration system over a combined, conventional paving and storm-water drainage design concept. Further evaluation of the systems long-term infiltration/ water permeability performance considers regional design adaptation, including the effects of entrainment of mineral and organic fines, construction detailing, sequencing and installation methodologies on service life of the completed road network.
[1] B Shackel “The Challenges of Concrete Block Paving as a Mature Technology’’. Available:
[2] United Nations Agenda 21 – Action plan of the United Nations with regard to Sustainable Development. Available:
[3] Dubai Municipality Sewerage and Drainage Design Criteria (Mf/ma/drainage-Design-Cr-19-10.doc), Dubai Municipality, 1996.
[4] CIRIA susdrain – delivery of Sustainable Drainage Systems. Available :
[5] Permeable Pavements, Guide to the design, construction and maintenance of concrete block permeable pavements, Interpave Uniclass L534:L217 Edition 6, January 2010.
[6] D. Brocard, E. George, L. Salem and B.S. Pradeep, ‘’Modelling the Dubai Sewerage and Drainage Systems,’’. Available:
[7] Source control using constructed pervious surfaces, CIRIA C582, London, 2002.
[8] The costs of paving, Comparative initial construction and whole life cost analyses for pavements, Interpave Uniclass L534:L217, July 2006.
[9] R Shahin. and W. James, ‘’A Laboratory Examination of Pollutants Leached from Four Different Pavements by Acid Rain. In: Advances in Modelling Management of Stormwater Impacts,’’ Volume 6, Michigan, USA, CHI Publications, Thomson-Shore Inc., ISBN: 0-9697422-8-2, 1994.
[10] Performance and whole life costs of best management practices and sustainable urban drainage system, UKWIR, 2005.
[11] Manual of contract documents for highway works. Volume 1 Specification for highway works. Highways Agency, May 2004.
[12] S. Borgwardt, ‘’Long-term In-situ Infiltration Performance of Permeable Concrete Block Pavement,’’ in Proc. 8th International Conference on Concrete Block Paving, November 2006.
[13] R Bettess, ‘’Infiltration drainage - manual of good practice’’, CIRIA (R156), January 1996.
[14] Daywater, ‘’Review of the use of stormwater BMPs in Europe. Adaptive Decision Support System (ADSS) for the Integration of Stormwater Source Control into Sustainable Urban Water Management Strategies,’’ Middlesex University, Report 5.1 Project under EU/RTD 5th Framework Programme, August 2003.
[15] Hanson Formpave Aquaflow® permeable block paving and SUDS. Available:
Permeable, Aquaflow, infiltration, run-off, entrainment.