Design Analysis and Optimization of Hybrid Piston for 4 stroke Single Cylinder 10 HP (7.35 kW) Diesel Engine –A Review

  IJETT-book-cover  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT)
© 2014 by IJETT Journal
Volume-16 Number-6 
Year of Publication : 2014
Authors : Amit B. Solanki , Mrs.Charula H.Patel , Abhishek Y. Makawana


Amit B. Solanki , Mrs.Charula H.Patel , Abhishek Y. Makawana. "Design Analysis and Optimization of Hybrid Piston for 4 stroke Single Cylinder 10 HP (7.35 kW) Diesel Engine –A Review", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V16(6),258-262 Oct 2014. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group


The performance of any automobile largely depends on its size and working in dynamic conditions. The piston is a "heart" of the engine and its working condition is the worst one of the key parts of the engine in the working environment. The design of the piston optimization can lead to a mass reduction on the base of stress analysis satisfying the requirements of automobile specifications with cost and size effectiveness. Piston is the part of engine which converts heat and pressure energy liberated by fuel combustion into mechanical works. Engine piston is the most complex among automotive. This paper work describes design analysis and optimization of hybrid Piston for 4 stroke single cylinder 10 HP (7.35 kW) diesel Engine. The hybrid material, which consist of high strength (cast steel) piston crown and light alloy (aluminium alloy) for piston wall. The stress distribution of piston by using FEM and investigate and analyse of the actual engine condition during combustion process. The stresses due to combustion are considered to avoid the failure of the piston. Intensity of structural stresses should be reduced to have safe allowable limits. This paper introduces an analytical study of the structural effects on the diesel engine piston.CAD software Cre-O is used to model the piston and stress analysis is performed by using ANSYS.14 for weight optimization. The review of existing literature design analysis and optimization of hybrid Piston for 4 stroke single cylinder 10 HP (7.35 kW) diesel Engine is presented. The materials, manufacturing process, design consideration and structural and thermal analysis etc. of the piston are reviewed here.


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Hybrid Piston, Diesel engine,Piston Strength Analysis, Weight Optimization.