Software Engineering Design Issues
Soma Akhil, Soma Anvesh "Software Engineering Design Issues ", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V18(4),184-186 Dec 2014. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
Research in software engineering is concerned with the automation and the enhancement of the processes of building some computer related application systems. In this paper, we mentioned some significant software engineering problems from the context of developing very large information systems. The aim of the paper is to investigate applicability of object-oriented software design patterns in the context of aspect-oriented design. The main assumption is that there exist design patterns that solve software engineering paradigm independent design problems and that such patterns, in the contrast to the patterns solving paradigm-specific design problems, can be expressed in terms of any software engineering paradigm.
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VLSI View point, Software Development issues, System evolution, Paradigm problem, Large scale Integration, GoF23 patterns.