Efficient communication approach in Vehicular PKI
Ms. Nayana P Vaity, Ms.Surekha Janrao, Ms.Randeep Kaur "Efficient communication approach in Vehicular PKI ", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V18(5),215-220 Dec 2014. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group
In recent era, we know transport industry tend to incorporates many facilities to the vehicle users which not only helps people to have safe journey but also smooth in nature. Intelligent transportation system (ITS) is the need for today’s luxurious life. In this paper, it is proposed that communication among vehicles is performed using efficient routing where as secure environment is established using PKI(public key environment). It can be said that proposed Routing approach have better capabilities than other existing routing protocols it means communication where emergency messages will be disseminated efficiently and as early as possible. When VANET is to be protected from malicious access or to avoid the problem of vehicle tracking, one of the security features is called as location privacy is not mainly offered by typical PKI. Here efficient routing approach will be blended with security feature such as vehicles ‘s location privacy feature. which is definitely will be used to enhance typical PKI security.
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ITS, Typical PKI.