Optimizing IEEE 802.16j: Multihop Relaying in WiMAX Networks
Sapna Parmar, Priyanka Dhasal "Optimizing IEEE 802.16j: Multihop Relaying in WiMAX Networks", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V19(1),24-28 Jan 2015. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group
For the global deployment of mobile WiMAX networks the limited budget of installation and efficiency of network quality are very important concerns. To optimize the WiMAX network quality of services in term of good data rate guarantee and the efficient radio spectrum to serve as more as possible users more and more coverage should be provided. For enhancing the radio coverage of the WiMAX network multihop relay station technique is proposed. IEEE 802.16 forum gives different types of service flows (i.e. UGS, rtps, ertps, nrtps, BE) for various kinds of applications. The network coverage can be improved by properly locating the relay stations to optimal locations where the installation of base station could be more costly as compared to relay stations. In this paper we presented the overview of IEEE 802.16j multihop relay networks with QoS support and how the network coverage and quality will be improved for rural and hilly areas where installation of base station is a big challenge.
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