Improved Inverse Response of Boiler Drum Level using Fuzzy Self Adaptive PID Controller
C.B. Kadu , D.V. Sakhare "Improved Inverse Response of Boiler Drum Level using Fuzzy Self Adaptive PID Controller", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V19(3), 140-144 Jan 2015. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
The paper discuss, Inverse response of the boiler drum water level. Steam drum level is one of the major causes of boiler trips and downtime, affected by the phenomena of swell and shrink; it is a difficult parameter to control accurately. The Conventional PID cannot give satisfactory result for boiler drum level. In order to overcome above drawback we have design Self adaptive fuzzy PID controller for boiler drum level control. From simulation, the performance of Self adaptive fuzzy PID controller is better than IMC controller which help to reduce undershoot & overshoot. MATLAB simulink tool is used to simulate self adaptive Fuzzy-PID and IMC control system.
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Inverse Response, IMC Controller, Fuzzy Control, Fuzzy Adaptive PID.