Verbal versus Visual: An Analysis of High School Edublogs
Suneet Madan , Ila Joshi "Verbal versus Visual: An Analysis of High School Edublogs", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V19(5), 265-270 Jan 2015. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
High-speed networks and low-cost yet high-resolution cameras on smart phones are making the interactions of the virtual world increasingly visual. Options for expressing individualistic opinion and approach towards presentation of one’s thoughts are the hallmark features of new media. Among the numerous new media tools, blogs are increasingly being used in academic environments for their ease in use, publication and administration. Their ease in access anytime, anywhere make them ideal for asynchronous training and learning purposes as the blogs are being written by the students, teachers and other educational stakeholders, as an individual and also as a group. For the research, High School based educational blogs, i.e., edublogs, were investigated in context of their host websites. To narrow the scope, Science edublogs were selected as this subject requires a great deal of visual presentation for improving comprehension of various concepts, experiments, complex phenomenon through diagrams, photographs, simulations, and other multimedia tools and techniques. The current research optimum usage of the features it has to offer, especially when analyzed in terms of visual representation of content and typographical expressions studied in context with their host websites.
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Visual Communication, Visual Representations, Visual Design, Typographical Expressions, Educational Blogs, Weblogs, Edublogs, Visual Literacy.