A Conceptual Frame Work on How the Quality of Work Life has been linked with Human Well-Being
G.Thirupati Reddy , G. Santosh Kumar "A Conceptual Frame Work on How the Quality of Work Life has been linked with Human Well-Being", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V19(5), 285-291 Jan 2015. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group
Quality of work life is one of the essential domains in peoples’ lives and also affects and shapes many of the gears of the common or complete quality of life i.e. wellness of organizational members, as well as humans related directly or indirectly to the organization. Many researches had been made with regard to the QWL and still the studies are being conducted but only some studies had been made with regard to the human well being by linking QWL. Employees in the organizations face lot of problems due to certain situations arising in the organizations that directly affect the life of employees, their families and the others linked directly or indirectly linked to the organization. The present article provides a framework on how the organizations have to create the better QWL to bring the improvement in the human’s behavior both inside organization and outside the organization.
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Quality of work life, Well being of humans, Management of Personnel, spirituality.