Design and Construction of a Palm Kernel Cracker and Separator
Asibeluo Imonifewo Stephen, Abu Afealiokha Lukman "Design and Construction of a Palm Kernel Cracker and Separator", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V20(3),159-165 Feb 2015. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
The Palm kernel cracker is a machine used for cracking palm nuts by palm fruit farmers and palm fruit products related industries. The conventional palm kernel cracker which uses a long rotating hammer for cracking nuts was discovered to be less efficient since it misses any nut that is not in its line of action or axis of rotation. Also by virtue of its design, it is only capable of cracking the nuts and as such makes the palm nut farmer expand enormous extra energy in the course of to manually separate the cracked shells from the kernels. A modified palm kernel cracker with a cracking rectangular channel welded to a cracking flywheel with a centralized hole through which every nut must pass and as such capable of making contact with every nut and thus cracking nearly all the nuts was sequentially designed and fabricated in this project to overcome the earlier mentioned constraints. The improved palm nut cracker also incorporates two different set of filters (separators) for separating the kernels from the cracked shells.
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Cracking pot, Hopper, Palm Kernel cracking machine, Cracking flywheel, supporting base.